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RE: Spray painting parts?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Spray painting parts?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 21:32:41 -0700
> So what is the general consensus about spray painting parts to make them
> look nice?  As I take off the water pump, checking the thermostat
> cover and
> the head cover they are a bit tatty...  I was thinking of cleaning them up
> and spraying them with high heat black or something....

Makes sense to me, if you're not into strict originality.  High heat black
(aka barbecue paint) works well, as long as you oven-cure it before
installation.  But it's really soft and easy to damage before it's cured.
After curing, it's almost as good as powder coat.  30 min @ 400F works for
me ... if you're using the kitchen oven it's best to wait until your SO is
not around.


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