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Whats the moral????

Subject: Whats the moral????
From: Chad Jester <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 20:03:58 -0800 (PST)
You forgot to type the moral....dying to hear.
What you encountered is the very reason Vicky Brit is my supplier of last 
resort (i.e. I would almost rather push my TR6 than buy a part from Vicky Brit 
to repair it).  I've been aggravated one too many times by their customer 
no-service department.  I've been to their showroom to pick up parts a time or 
two.  Its almost like going to Auto Zone to buy TR parts.  The greasy haired 7 
ear-ringed dope with a bolt through his lip behind the counter barely knows 
what a Triumph is.
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 20:30:13 -0500
From: "Adam C Beasley" <>
Subject: Victoria British Clutch rebuild kit

I ordered the Victoria British Clutch rebuild kit for my 73 TR6.  When 
opened the package, everything looked great.  Brand new master 
slave, and tubing between the two.  I flushed emptied my old unit, 
it and proceeded to install the new kit.  I started with the master
cylinder; it went it perfectly, as did the hose.  Excited at the fact 
that I
will be very close to driving my car after two parts come tomorrow, I
dropped down and slid under my car only to find out.. THE DARN THING 
FIT!!!!  Apparently the end is now oval and not round, making it just a
little to wide to slide into the mount.  Frustrated I called VB, wait 
hold for 30 minutes only to be told the best they can do is to open a 
to do some research.  Not only did they want to charge me a wad to have 
repair kit sent express, they won't take partial returns on kits!  So
basically the moral of the story is. 


And to top it off, I can't get my darn oil drain plug off!  (Any 

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