Since you have not been flooded with responses, here's an address.
I'm a long way away from you, but I suppose if the parts are small enough to
be UPS'ed or mailed, there is a great place here in WA. I have used them
extensively. Not cheap. Not unreasonable. May take a bit of time. I'm sure
could send your parts for an estimate. If ever your part looses it's chorme,
they will redo it without question, as long as you own your car. Their work
is show quality. (A lot of the cost, at least out here, is the added
"environmental saving" costs of disposing of the aftermath of the chroming
Well, here it is! (As you will most probably notice, minimum $125 order plus
7% environmental tax plus freight. Someone told you, "Good chorme is not
inexpensive!") But these guys are really, really good, and fair, and stand
of their work. If you want it chromed to last two years until you sell it,
there are other places. If you want to keep it! I've never been dissatisfied
with this company, after 10 years, with my 64' Ford Van, my Wife's Series I
nor my TR4A.
http://www.queencityplating.com Be sure to check 'history' and 'gallery'
NFIWSE (Wish I did, eh?)
Happy restoring!