Hi Tim
There are double flare tools available, just requires a friend with more
bucks, or someone like myself who found a Sykes Pickavant Flaring kit with
inserts to do 3/16,1/4,5/16,3/8,1/2 and 4.5mm for sale in a shop clearance
for about 1/4 of its new value, it was and is in perfect condition, I was
late to the sale and it was still there so I carried it round 'till I
organised the funds delivered to me!
If your friend buys quality instead of cheap let him do it for you!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Gaines"
Subject: TR6 brake hydraulic fitting question
I do have a friend who says he has a flaring tool, but the reply below
suggests that most such tools are for single flaring. Now I'm thinking I
probably can't do this on my own.
> Thanks,
> Tim
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