I tried sending this from work, but don't think it actually went out.
My intent is not to start another "trunnion oil" thread, but to find out
what the grease is that is put in the wiper gearbox. I have a TR4A with a
two speed motor. I'd imagine that the single speed and TR6 are similar.
I did a rebuild a year ago, and put in high pressure "red" grease that
claims to disperse moisture. What I've found is that after long use that
the wiper motor won't shut off, which leads me to believe that the grease
may be conductive as it warms up, thus keeping the run-on switch closed.
After the motor cools down the switch operates the properly.
What is the proper grease? and, Could my "can't shut it off" problem be
something else?
John in San Diego
'67 TR4A driving in the rain