Hi Tim
Sod the blinkers ;-) what's the paint job like, are you currently like a dog
with two tails?
A tip for you, there is a very simple way to check the brake lights on your
own, that is to reverse near the front of a car and look for the red glow in
the headlight reflectors, using this method I check my lights every time I
move my car as I have to reverse to get out of the cramped parking outside
the house. It is easy enough to tell if a lamp is out and which one it is
like this.
Hope you get the indicators sorted.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim I. Purdy"
Subject: TR4 turn lights
> Yesterday, picked up the TR4 from paint shop. Looks great. Headlights
do work, and I believe the brake
> lights, not sure, since I need another person to be around to check, but
> ammeter always does a little giggle when I put on the brakes.
> Tim
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