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Re: Vapor Lock?

To: "Wages, Jeffrey" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Vapor Lock?
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 08:14:44 -0800
References: <>
Jeff, did you check the fuel filter? If it's like the TR3 pump, there is
also a sediment bowl and possibly still a screen between it and the pumping
mechanism, this can also get clogged. I know, those are the obvious, but
sometimes we forget the obvious.

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Vapor Lock?

> Hi all,
> I just picked up a 'new' 73 TR6 and had a weird experience in her the
> day. While cruising up the highway at @95mph the engine began to sull.
> like it was starving for fuel. My first thought was that the 1/4 tank
> on the gauge was inaccurate and I was running outta gas.  As I got off the
> highway it idled ok.  Then as I proceeded through a neigborhood it began
> it again until it eventually died.  It would idle but any attempt to give
> gas and she would die. I got out and checked the tank...there was plenty
> fuel.  I popped the hood and noticed the fuel lines just before the carbs
> appeared dry.  My mechanical fuel pump has a primer pump so I pumped it a
> times and saw fuel move through the lines.  I got back in and fired her up
> she ran fan (though I was cautious) the rest of the way home.
> My first thought was the fuel pump but I'm not sure why it would start
> again (unless by priming it I performed CPR).  My other thought was that I
> might have gotten a vapor lock from the heat of the manifold to the bowls
> the carbs.  We used to get this with some Weber carbs on Hondas we raced.
> TR's known for this?
> The fuel tank appears to be from an earlier model and has no rust. There
> two vapor tubes at the top of the tank. One is plugged with a rubber cap
> the other has a hose draining out under the car.  Is one tube open enough
> prevent a vacuum?
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks in advance!

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