Hi Jon
First I thought the Jaegers were last used on the Vittesse, mine is labelled
Smiths and I seem to recall your car being a similar age to mine.
Second I don't think I have ever had a car with the current pulse (I think)
which didn't flick on cranking and drop on start, my current tacho was a bit
sticky and the needle stopped at 4700 a gentle tap on the glass would drop
the needle back. One day it went there and has been there ever since, the
gentle tapping on the glass which used to free it just encouraged it further
up the scale!
My tacho was stickier when the weather was cold and not using the car for a
day or two made it worse still!
I do believe a permanent high can be caused by improper connection to the
coil, but I'm not 100% sure on that point. If it is toast Chris Witor is
advertising what is I believe the correct tacho for an early PI (pointed
needle style).
If yours is a later square needle voltage pulse type please disregard all of
the above! 8-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
To: "Triumph List"
Subject: Surging needle
> Okay, electrical boffins - it's my turn to ask for help!
> Spent two days rebuilding and refitting the metering unit on my PI and
> the time to start it all up. Switched on ignition but as soon as the
> began cranking the rev counter needle shot round the dial and lodged
> firmly on the underside of the needle stop. I incline to the view "that
> something is amiss" but having never been too skilled (and even less
> of the whys and wherefores of solid state electrics. Incidentally, rev
> counter is made by Jaeger. Thanks in antickypation
> Jonmac
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