At 20:14 2/2/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm lightening a TR4 flywheel, and want to remove gobs of weight from the
>face where the clutch mounts. That in itself is no problem, but I need to
>know how far the gearbox input shaft engages the splines on the clutch
>plate. I don't want to face the flywheel so much the clutch moves too far
>forward and I only get partial spline engagement.
>An alternate measurement would be the dimension from the block surface
>where the gbx mounts to the flywheel face - I can run the calculations
>from there.
Wellll, never mind. Rich Rock saved me from my own stupidity. I had
completely overlooked TO bearing geometry considerations. And I'm too...
ah ..."thrifty" to spring for the hydraulic TO setup.
Blacksburg VA
'63 TR4 in autox preparation, 90% finished, 90% to go