Ain't that the truth! When I was late teens, early twenties, I had the
requisite Firebird(Ok, so it was an 82 with a 4 cylinder!) and I had a
friend who was the other half of nuts that I am... Anyway, we were driving
down what is still(amazingly) a reasonably rural road between Fort Dix and
Medford. Well, due to the snow and winds, we had nice snow covered fields-
with drifted areas of road coverage between nice clear areas. So, as we
drove, I would hit the snow and hit the brakes quickly - fishtailing it a
bit, and then straighten it back out. Well the last one we did differently.
As we started fishtailing, my friend yelled to "Gun it", so I tromped the
accelerator, and we reversed the swing of the fishtail, and went completely
180, zipping backwards into the field next to the road at about 50. A couple
passing drivers were kind enough to help us push it back onto the road, and
we ceased experimentation for the day...(no damage done!)Many years later,
in a full size 1985 Impala, I was driving down a similar road, in similar
conditions(but no goofing), when she slid out perpendicular to my direction
of travel. From those previous recoveries, I automatically started
correcting- and did several swings back and forth, of lessening degree each
time, until she finally straightened out. Another friend was with me, and
his 5 year old piped up from the back "That was FUN! Let's do it AGAIN!" I
just told him when he's 18, he can give it a try. The recovery has become
automatic for me- anytime I feel my car breaking loose on slick roadway, I
have her back in milliseconds. All because I was a quasi reckless teen once.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Lattimer" <>
To: "Fred Thomas" <>; "Triumphs" <>
Cc: "spitfires" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: =====NON-LBC==============
> When I was in high school, while cruisin' with my friends during the
> winter, we would intentionally lose control
> of our cars on deserted streets and parking lots. We would do donuts and
> slide sideways and get our cars
> into every position imaginable. What we didn't realize at the time was
> that we were teaching ourselves accident
> avoidance driving.
> After 37 years of winter driving, I've never been in an accident.
> Chuck Lattimer
> '66 TR4A IRS