Dear Shivering in Atlanta,
Some messages have a way of just striking the wrong chord. R. Ashford
Little, if you're responsible for the heat going away, you had better also
think about apologizing to the people just a bit farther north of you. I'm
telling you, you do not know what shivering is if you are shivering with
the heat you have. Any warmth we had, raced down your way to warm you up to
your BALMY +30's. It is supposed to be -38 degrees tonight here in eastern
Ontario (yes, NEGATIVE 38). Boy do I hope the power stays on; I will not be
keen to go OUTSIDE to fire up the generator to keep the furnace going so
that we don't DIE...
Non-LBC aside: I went out to start the 2004 Taurus company car this morning
and when I sat down the nice overstuffed foamy seats were HARD! And the
first few hundred feet down the road the tires went thump thump thump until
they got round again.....brrrrrr
I would gladly donate TWO Lucas alternators to ANYONE would could just warm
this #$%^&* place up!!
PS oh and as for your comment about windows that don't roll up - windows
were never supposed to roll up!
>"R. Ashford Little II" wrote:<>
>I apologize for any comments that I may have made regarding the nice weather
>we were experiencing down South around New Years. I'm not sure what I said,
>or even if I said it - it could have been Al down in FLA who did it - but
>either way, I take it all back. We weren't trying to brag, we didn't intend
>to offend, and most of all, we want our warm weather back. It's been mighty
>cold and damp here for a long time (almost a week) and it's scheduled to
>continue for the next 10 days.
>..... It is a wee bit cold when it's in the 30's and the window
>won't roll up. BUT if the warm weather were to return through some sort of
>sacrifice to the weather gods, then maybe I can forget to repair it again
>and just drive the car.
>I also ask forgiveness from the Prince of Darkness and hope that the
>alternator left at your alter will quench your desire for months to come.
>Shivering in Atlanta,
>R. Ashford Little II
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