Happy New Year everyone and welcome to what will hopefully be another
rewarding year of owning, fixing (yeah that too), and driving our LBC's.
The GTA - that's Georgia Triumph Association to our friends from afar - has
sponsored a year-end drive for the past several years. The "Polar Bear Run"
has been great fun and attracted a healthy turnout of LBC's and other
vintage automobiles in the past and this year was no different.
Several of you have wondered where the photos of this event were, and I must
admit that I was out of town for a while and thus the reason for the delay.
Well, I'm back and some photos are up - there will be more to come - but
they can be found at the GTA website <http://www.gatriumph.com/> .
I would also like to point out to our brethren who are domiciled in colder
climates that if you want a good thaw, that the 2004 SE/VTR will be held in
Tallahassee this April. See the Temple of Triumph
<http://www.templeoftriumph.org/> 's website for all the details.
Cheers, and once again Happy New Year!
R. Ashford Little II
<http://www.geocities.com/ralittle2> "70 TR
GTA Webmaster <mailto:webmaster@gatriumph.com>