Single Cab VW wanted wrote:
>Does this car seat big guys good, 6'3' 240lbs?
>Is this a good deal
Well $21.5K is certainly at the high end of what TR3As have ever sold
for -- but this appears it could be at the high-end of restored TR3As.
Yes, there are many things that could be cited as non-original or
incorrect though at a quick look all the ones I saw were pretty minor.
At least it is being sold by a business (instead of a zero-feedback eBay
seller in Miami) which gives you a chance to assess who stands behind
any claims.
Perhaps no one on this list has purchased a TR for that much money but
it is quite possible there are some who have spent that much on the car
they have. I know I would be loathe to add up all the receipts over the
As for comfort -- lots of leg room in a TR3 and infinite head room if
you leave the top down. Biggest discomfort would probably be your left
elbow if you choose to drive with all the foul-weather equipment in place.
Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
Mt Lemmon, AZ