I'm a late entry to this thread........
My genius machinist guru (he builds double expansion steam engines out of his
head without plans........just using his mind and a lathe, milling machine
and of course access to his machine shop..........).........says, "Oil is the
best lubricant, but must be replaced fairly often........if you can't get to
or it's hard to get to, or you don't want to oil it...........use grease!,
cause it lasts longer..........but oil zz-better!!!"
If you would like to see a picture of him.....for about 5-10".....see the
flic 'Maverick' with Mel Gibson and Jody Foster--1994........just a fleeting
glance as he, as a steamboat launch captain (his steam engine and his converted
Coast Guard life boat) takes passengers (including his wife in costume) out to
the big river paddle-wheeler steam boat.........you might also notice the hull
of the boat....movie makers liked it, and had my friend reproduce 3-4 like
it, in fiberglass, to use as life boats which you can see on the flic
"Titanic". Both were pretty good flics for me.......with an interesting side