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RE: Where to get Kas' new Competition Preparation book

To: <>
Subject: RE: Where to get Kas' new Competition Preparation book
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 22:40:49 -0000
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Steve Smith wrote:
There's an interesting 6 pot TR on page 111, the carbs
are one the left side of a rhd car (identified as a
250. I thought all 250s were lhd,

They were - with the exception of one or two engineering development cars.
Either this is a pic of one of those cars or, a re-import from the US that
has been converted to RHS or a reversed negative. I've seen at least ten RHD
TR250's in the last two years. There are even more running around in
Europe - especially US spec TR6's re-imported from the US through Holland
and Belgium.


"In the Shadow of my Father" aka "Life at Triumph"

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