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Re: Knockoff Hammer

Subject: Re: Knockoff Hammer
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 20:05:04 EST
So what do you all do with yours?  I'm wondering if maybe the best thing isn't
just to buy a cheap hard rubber hammer.

Last month I put those questions to the folks who make my wheels, Dayton.  I 
asked them:  What's the best way to keep them pristine? What's the right 
hammer to use? How much is "enough" when knocking them on?  

In a series of emails, Mike of Dayton advised the following:  "The caps 
should bottom-out on the hub when they are tight. Use a lead hammer. The lead 
much softer than steel & it dents instead of the cap." 

I asked Mike what he meant by "bottom-out".  He replied:  "Bottom-out means 
that the cap stops against the nose of the hub before being completely 

Regarding the definitive whacker/hammer to use, Mike simply sez: "Lead is 
best." Even after I asked about cowhide and copper. 

I asked Mike if that meant one should continue hitting the knock-off until it 
refuses to move any further?   He repied:  "Continue hitting the knock-off 
until it refuses to move any further."

There you go.

Bill Stagg
1961 TR3A

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