> By the way, what is the best way to remove the pump pulley from the
> pump? There is no place to put a puller and tapping the pulley with a
> plastic hammer does nothing. I have sprayed on some pb blaster but that
> pully is tight.
Someone was selling a custom-made puller on eBay, it basically gripped
inside the pulley sheave and had a forcing screw.
> I believe the pump shaft is tappered with a key.
It's not tapered, but does have a key, and is (has to be) quite tight.
> One last question, the pump body seems to be aluminum with no grease
> fitting. My current pump is cast iron. Is this pump maybe a later TR3 or
> maybe a 4 or 4A? the housing is no different than a TR3.
AFAIK all the factory pumps had cast iron bodies. There have been some
aluminum bodies made for racing ...