Mmmmm. I sense end of season ennui and commensurate. I'm restoring my '59
TR outside under the white pines, beeches, and maples of the northeast.
When I took the block to the machine shop today for cleaning, inspection,
and possible decking, the guy asked when I needed it back.
I shrugged. "Some time this winter?"
The grin on his face was only equalled by his grin when I told him what car
the block was out of.
It snows in New Hampshire tomorrow.
Terry Smith
'59 TR3A TS 58667
>It was a drive I didn't want to end. Lots of motorcycles >and Corvettes out
and about, but the only LBC I >encountered was a dark blue MGA. Today it
> Eric Langreder
> Canton, Ohio
> 71 TR6