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RE: Spin-on oil filter Adaptor - Summary

Subject: RE: Spin-on oil filter Adaptor - Summary
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 05:44:40 -0800
Cc: "TR List" <>
> Unless I am completely mis-reading your posting, you are reporting a
> suggestion about introducing a hard, rubber-like plastic (Loctite) into
> your oil system, where it can block small oil passages and destroy your
> engine.  Surely you are not saying that! Take care, Bill

Bill, I believe you're thinking of "silicone sealer", not Loctite.  Loctite
is an anaerobic thread locker somewhat similar to "super glue", it goes on
as a thin liquid and will only harden when it is enclosed in a tiny space
(like the gap between engaged threads) away from air.  Thus there is no
chance of it forming a hard piece large enough to block an oil passage, nor
of any pieces getting loose into the oil.  It's used by many engine
builders, including Kas Kastner, and IMO is perfectly safe to use in the oil
system or inside the crankcase.


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