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Re: Bosch Alternator for TR6

Subject: Re: Bosch Alternator for TR6
From: Trevor Jordan <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 09:47:44 +1100
References: <a06010201bbe275908920@[]>
Thanks to all those who have responded.  One further question: does 
the Bosch alternator usually come with a suitable fan and pulley, or 
is it necessary to specifically ask for them (or swap them from the 
existing alternator?

At 12:47 AM +1100 21/11/03, Trevor Jordan wrote:
>Does anyone have the part number for the Bosch alternator that is a 
>drop-in replacement for the TR6?  It was used in a 1975-85 Ford 
>Fiesta as I recall.

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