If the car had been previously repainted or the paint is cracking, striping
would be a good idea. If the surface is in good condition, leaving the
original paint would be fine.
Modern ( 70s and up ) American cars use a epoxy primer as a base coat. This
primer is not porous and won't absorb moisture. When the top coat chips,
water won't be sucked under the paint like regular primer/surfacer.
Epoxy primer ( I use PPG DP90 ) can be used as is without any top coat. This
makes it great for frames and such. Current colors are Black, Gray/Green,
Light Gray, Blue and Red.
The critical areas are always the sharp edges of the body and seams, keeping
these areas coated will reduce rust.
As for removing rust proofing, try soaking the parts in mineral spirits.
This should soften the glop allowing it to scrape off.