Hi, Folks,
as you may recall, my fuel pump failed a couple of weekends ago, so the
next logical step would of course be to tear the head off my engine.
(Actually, I'm using the down-time to fit my 'uber' cylinder head built to
Kas' specs with oversize valves which has been sitting on my bench for
over a year now)
After I had removed all that cylinder head, intake & exhaust stuff,
I saw there was a clear view of the GM alternator conversion I'd done a
couple of years ago.
So I wiped off the larger deposits of crud and snapped a few photos.
I also went and dug up some notes a list member sent me who used a post I
made on this a few years ago on the same subject.
I put all the info together and cobbled together a web page.
Hopefully a few pictures will be worth a 1000 words.