Glad you got your car started. My situation remains a bit different. My
58 TR3A has sat for about 10 months according to the previous owner. I
topped up fluids, changed oil and checked the gas tank which was full of
clean-looking gas rather darker brown in color than fresh 87 octane.
Rebuilt starter which could not crank the engine. Replaced all ignition
parts and got good spark. Had to fix stuck float in first SU. A little
starter fluid and a push of the starter and I heard that lovely TR roar
lasting exactly as long as the ether took to burn off. The bowls are
full and fuel pump (original diaphram type) working fine. Fuel filter
and sediment bowl clean. Hence I am thinking that a SU rebuild is in
order but would ask the list if anyone has other ideas that might get
the thing running at least. Perhaps some Gumout in the air intake or can
I drop out the jet without completely dismantling the carburators? I
bought the SU rebuild kits from Moss and the instructions, while
"detailed," seem to leave out some critical help for the newbie like me.
Any better books that you would suggest? My thanks also to the list,
especially Randall Young and Fred Thomas for helpful suggestions.
BTW the sound of the engine burning the starter fluid was absolutely
wonderful and has kept me going as I continue to try to return this car
to its rightful place, doing 60 MPH with a big smile on drivers face.
>>> Steve Myers <> 10/20/2003 12:28:31 AM
I just wanted to thank those of you who responded to my earlier posting
inquiring about how to get a car which has been sitting for years
running again.