On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:00:08 -0500, "Kurtis"
<kurtisj@cox-internet.com> wrote:
>Greetings all...
>I'm quite the dunce when it comes to anything electrical, so this may be a
>stupid question. Are there any options for hooking up a modern car stereo
>in my (currently) positive ground TR4 other than changing it to a negative
>ground configuration? I don't suppose there are any car stereo
>manufacturers making systems specifically for cars with a positive ground
>electrical system are there?
This guy had instructions on an old website, but the pages are
gone. There is an email address and a phone number, so he may
share his knowledge with you.
Then there was this bit of advice. It will work, and certainly
cost less than converting your radio:
> . . . but you might simply have to hard wire it with fuses straight
> to the battery, and make sure all the wiring is insulated from the cars body.
You'd also want to make sure that no metal part of the radio
chassis was touching a metal part of the car. Some, most
perhaps, are grounded through the chassis.