Received this from a visitor to my website. I can't help him, but I
thought I'd forward his query to the list. Please respond directly to him!
Phil Pattengale
54 TR2 - TS1440-LO {project #1}
56 TR3 - TS13872-L {project #2}
56 TR3 - TS11820-L {Dad's}
56 TR3 - TS9169-LO {Anyone seen this car? - Last seen in Missouri in 1964}
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 6:02 PM
Subject: The 56 TR3 That is a 55
Hi, Just looked at your web page. I've owned 3 TR's in the last 25 years.
Wishing now I had kept them! I purchased what I thought was a 56 TR3, but
after checking the TS number I found out it was a 1955. TS 8884 hmmmmm
wondering how much trouble it will be to change this with the DMV.
The project has gotten to the point where I need to return the cart
to original condition. The previous owner put disk breaks on the car; which
wasn't added to the TR3 line until 56 and a TR4 master cylinder. If you have
a complete front drum set. and a master cylinder. I would be interested in a
trade. the disk break assay on the front is in really nice condition. If
this would be possible let me know. The drums would have to have enough
metal for a couple of turns before I would be interested.