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Re: Spitfire O/D GT-6 O/D More Info.

To: jim williams <>
Subject: Re: Spitfire O/D GT-6 O/D More Info.
From: Barry Schwartz <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:21:16 -0700
<I want to place a complete single rail Spitfire O/D trans. behind the GT-6
The single rail isn't really strong enough for the GT6 - the gears in the
GT tranny are made of different material to withstand the higher power of
the GT6 engine - besides that the input shafts are different in splines and
length - Your better off keeping the OD from the tranny and getting a
rebuilt 3 rail tranny for a GT6 that is already setup for an overdrive.
Then all you need is the adaptor and the rear mounting plate plus
shortening you original driveshaft - trying to mate a spitfire tranny is
almost impossible, unless your prepared for A WHOLE LOTTA work and
fabrication -
Barry Schwartz - San Diego -(
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