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Help, need original TR3 disc wheels, Connecticut area

Subject: Help, need original TR3 disc wheels, Connecticut area
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 09:36:51 EDT
I live in Central Connecticut and need at least two of the original steel 
disc wheels for my TR3A.  I currently have some 40 yearold spokes on my car 
spacers behind the splines so that I could switch to disc wheels when I want.  
The spokes are fine up to about 55 MPH then I start to get significant wheel 
wobble and have to slow down, I know that 2 of the spoke wheels are slightly 
out of round from previous damage and are all but un-tuneable.

This weekend I mounted new tires on the steel discs that I have so that I 
could make the cruise to Rhinebeck Field this weekend without having the wobble 
problem.  Well, much to my chagrin, two of the disc wheels have a significant 
offset in them and are downright dangerous over 35 MPH.

Is there anyone in Connecticut or just over the Connecticut line that has a 
couple of these wheels that I could pickup and purchase?  Also, any fair to 
good hubcaps would be helpful.


Gary Bouffard

PS  Where and what time is everyone meeting to go to Rhinebeck?

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