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To: "List" <>
Subject: VTR / TRF
From: "Lou Metelko" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 20:58:54 -0500

Really hate to throw cold water on the praise for the bash but I was
disappointed.  I go to a major show such as that one to see the stars of the
meet which is the cars.  I rather enjoy seeing rows of cars in their full spit
shined glory with the proud owners nearby.  We were told that the line up on
Indiana, PA's main street could not begin until 5 PM on Saturday so with the
darkness creeping in at around 7:15 meant that the owner that had spent many
hours and dollars in preparation for the Concours and Participant Choice
balloting watched in horror as his car was judged in almost darkness.  I fully
understand that a group that large will have varied interests but I feel that
each event should have equal amounts of daylight hours.

Randall  -  send me your Nomex suit - quick

Lou Metelko
Auburn, Indiana

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