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Re: TRF music

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: TRF music
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 16:16:59 +0100
R. Ashford Little wrote:
Hmm, it just dawned on me that I need to gather a collection of CD's to listen
to on the trip up - my regards to all the purists.

My regards to them as well. Enter your car for the Charles Macartney Driver
Award. CD players and other more recent technological features won't lose you
points, will they Darrell?
For the record, I've just driven home in the sweltering heat and switched on
the original, genuine, factory fit Medium and Long Wave AM only 'wireless.'
All five pushbuttons revealed nothing at all, so we then went to manual tune
mode to see what might be lurking elsewhere.
My labours revealed a boring dissertation on how South Africa wiped out the
England cricket team this week (or was it last week, so BORING) and further
twiddling brought in two earnest women arguing the toss between natural
childbirth and an epidural.
So the rest of the way home, I sang - after a fashion - and entirely
unaccompanied. Is this why there is now a crack in the windscreen?


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