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Sumthing nice to say

To: "'Triumph List (E-mail)'" <>, "'TR8 List (E-mail)'" <>
Subject: Sumthing nice to say
From: Jim Altman <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 09:16:59 -0400
We see a lot of moaning and complaining about this vendor and that, so I
thought I'd say something nice.  Brad Wilson at Wedgeparts is 1st class.
Sent me a rebuilt air flow meter for the 80 TR8 FI, couldn't find a new or
rebuilt one ANYWHERE else.  Popped that sucker in, did some adjustments for
tuning and it works great.

Did an emissions test in "training mode" so no report would be sent to the
state, a lil more tuning, another test and passed with flying colors.
Testing here is done on a dyno at 15 and 25 mph, results as follows:

Test      Reading -15    Allowed-15    Reading-25    Allowed-25
HC            63                    180                52
CO            0.02                  1.69              0.02
NOx          793                   3120             566                 2906
co+co2      13.3                 6.0(min)         13.1

In 4 years of test, best results ever!    Thanks Brad!

Jim Altman 

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