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Subject: Last response
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 13:26:56 EDT
 This list reminds me of Triumph car shows which I do not attend very much. I 
usually get bombarded with questions like: What factory produced the water 
pump bolt for a 1961 TR3A? Or a conversation like this. CUSTOMER: do you have 
this rare part I have been looking for the last 8 years and cannot find? T/O: 
Yes we do it is $65, CUSTOMER OH my God $65, I could have bought that part for 
$8.50 6 years ago, OK thanks let me check around some more. 
 I try my hardest to be a good business man, and yes for a profit. OK I admit 
I made a mistake by not saying the TR5 may be a conversion (I did so in the 
previous listing). I have since delisted it from eBay and also have sold the 
car to a knowing buyer who was told about it's "title." I am also removing 
myself from this babble. Thanks for the lesson and thanks to customers that 
came to 
my defense. And lastly remember there are at least several thousand places to 
buy Triumph parts from! You the consumer are free to take your business to 
any merchant you wish, and my suggestion; If you have a problem with a 
ANY MERCHANT, even the ice cream vendor, PLEASE LET HIM KNOW. 98% of us will 
make good. BUT when you don't tell a merchant, how can he correct a problem? I 
personally have made refunds or adjustments for customers 5 years past the 
sale. Try to find good, not fault with everything. I am human and made a 
mistake. God forgive me! When was the last time YOU tried walking on water?? 

 Good luck to all, 

 Wayne Bier

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