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Drag racing (was : lusting after another car)

Subject: Drag racing (was : lusting after another car)
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:19:48 -0700 FILETIME=[75274420:01C33CE9]
Cc: "Dan Masters" <>
> Hey, who's the one with the spit-rocket?  I would think the S2000
> would give
> the A-M a run for it money.  OKay, the interior would need a little carpet

Was thinking about this just yesterday ... if a major event offered Triumph
drag racing, how many people would enter their precious cars ?

We'd have to have classes for stock vs modified cars, probably still be lots
of inequities and the event would be strictly for fun of course.  But, it
would be a chance for those with modified cars to show off the advantages of
their modification.

The topic was discussed at least once, but as I recall, the consensus was
that not enough people would be interested, to make it worth the rather
extreme amount of hassle.  It's tough enough to get permission to run an
autocross, and "drag racing" raises unpleasant images in a lot of people's
minds ... this year we're offering dynamometer runs instead.

But there's always next year ...


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