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TR-250 freeze plug r&r

Subject: TR-250 freeze plug r&r
From: Skip Montanaro <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 14:04:10 -0500
A (the?) freeze plug on the right hand side of my TR-250's block (hidden
behind the exhaust manifold) is leaking badly and needs to be replaced.
Other than the obvious removal of the carbs and manifolds, what's involved
in removing and replacing the plug?  How is it fit into the block?  Does it
just press in or is there some sort of gasket compound that should be
applied to it?

My TRF parts list says quantity 5 for that part (#144688, plug, core, front
face, R.H. side of block).  Are there really five of those suckers hiding
over there behind the manifolds?  I can see two on the L.H. side of the
block (same part number?), one above the engine mount and one behind the
distributor.  The former looks like it needs replacing.  There's a little
rust-colored stain on the block underneath it.  The latter looks okay (being
somewhat externally bathed in oil ;-).

I can't believe I could replace the leaking plug with the manifolds
installed, so presuming I need to remove them to get at the offending
beast(s), what else should I attend to?  The water drain tap seems to work
well, so I think that can remain.  I'm certain I'll need a manifold gasket.
Should I replace the manifold bolts, nuts, clamps and washers as well?  Will
I need to remove the water return tube?  If so, should the sleeve and nut at
the front of that be replaced?  Should I do some sort of extra flush of the
cooling system (or poke around in the block while it's more opened to the

I'm not trying to create more work for myself, but should I undertake this
instead of taking it to a mechanic I want to make sure I'm not missing any
parts.  I'd like to get in, get the job done and get out all in one session.


Skip Montanaro
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