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All LBC...

Subject: All LBC...
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 13:08:52 -0700
Hi  Listers,
        Just wanted to  inject  a  little  LBC stuff  into  the 
list.  Our club (United British Sports  Car  Club) did the annual 
"Grapes of Wrath" tour yesterday, which  just  happened to be my 
Birthday, the better half was in Georgia visiting the  Grandson, so 
my Son came up and joined us for the ride.  Starting in Sacramento 
the 15 cars headed North to Napa Wine  Country, the  weather was 
perfect,  76 deg, and clear blue sky.  I drove  Casper to the 
starting  point and as we were ready to leave on the first leg, told 
Steve (son) Drive...he  had only driven Casper for a  couple of 
miles before  so  we  were both a little concerned, but he did very, 
very well.
        The  first stop was a great  old  winery on a cool shaded 
hillside, where we all enjoyed some fine vintage wines...just  a drinking...I took over for the next leg and was  right 
behind the Tour Leader (who  had  a 59 TR3A) it was a great twisting 
up and down lightly traveled road, and we started  really 
cooking...not  to  the point  of  getting sideways, but very 
close...great run for about 10 miles.   We were severely chastised by 
an MGA driver (female) for  leaving everyone else in the dust...:-) 
Actually we  had pulled over and waited for the slow ones to catch up.
        Steve again drove the next leg to another Winery and a tour 
of the storage facilities and some very interesting  facts about  the 
wine industry. Personally I find I have no palette
probably from too much Hot Chili...:-)
        On to Calistoga, for lunch and then a  nice drive back 
home...How better to celebrate  my Birthday and Father's day than to 
share a top down, winding road, good friends tour with your 
Son...kinda makes you feel  "Alive"...

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3
Wallace, CA

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