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Canada Bashing ( was RE: Is there anywhere in the world...? )

To: "'Mark Hooper'" <>, "'Michael Hargreave Mawson'" <>, <>, <>
Subject: Canada Bashing ( was RE: Is there anywhere in the world...? )
From: "David A. Templeton" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 13:04:57 -0400
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I take offense to the Canada bashing.  While I will admit that Toronto has
become "unique" in the past few years, I will say that stating TO is
representive of the rest of Canada is like using Buffalo to represent the
rest of the U.S.  I was told many years ago that Buffalo is not at all like
the rest of the U.S.  In the early '80s I lived in TO and it was a great
place to live, friendly people, mostly safe environment.  Since I moved away
in '86, I think the city has gone down hill as well.

I was born in England and once I moved to Canada I found it even hard to go
back.  Unfortunately, a lot of small minded people still existed where I
used to live, again not representive of the entire nation.  Being a Canadian
citizen, I am very proud of it I like it when you are in trouble someone
will stop to help without the worry of a gun showing up.  The cities are
clean, people say "hi" when passing and since I live outside of town,
everyone waves to each other.  I know it must sound like a bad episode of
"Leave it to Beaver" but in this day in age there is something to be said
for a friendly wave from a passing farmer.

There are many of us here, like many of you in the U.S., are decent people.
I have met many through this list and having met some in person I would like
to believe that the people are representive of the nation not a particular
labeling of a location. Nowhere is perfect but you try and enjoy the good
points and either try to fix the bad or ignore it.

David Templeton
Living in Canada and lovin' it
(Guelph, Ontario)
'59 Triumph TR3a
'74 Triumph Spitfire

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