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Re: Now, for something completely different :-)

Subject: Re: Now, for something completely different :-)
From: "scotts junk" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 19:37:05 -0600 FILETIME=[D74F5030:01C30DEF]
Two of my father's "hobbies" were always having a British car as a daily 
driver and attending auction sales. The LBC as a daily driver was no mean 
feat, as we lived on the Canadian prairies where it could hit -40 (F or C, 
they're the same at that point), Not particularly the climate they were 
designed for, but he never missed a day of work from the late 40's until he 
retired in the mid 70's. His second avocation came into play when a couple 
of out of style and slightly bald at the cuff but still very serviceable 
mink coats came up at a farm auction. He picked them up for about $5.00, had 
my mom resew them to make covers for the front seat, and drove his 1961 
Vauxhall in style and elegance several years (after which it became my first 
car and led a somewhat more stressful life). They were very comfortable 
summer and winter and much preferable to the vinyl seats in either season.


>From: "Ken Gano" <>
>Reply-To: "Ken Gano" <>
>To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
>Subject: Now, for something completely different :-)
>Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:55:36 -0700
>Has anyone ever seen mink used as a seat covering material?  Aside from
>costs, what would be the downsides?  I had a set of genuine sheepskin seat
>covers years ago and loved them and was just wondering what might be 
>Proud owner of a totally tasteless and tactless TR3 :)

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