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RE: More Clutch Related Mishaps.......

To: "Triumph" <>
Subject: RE: More Clutch Related Mishaps.......
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 08:03:44 -0700
> Since there's talk of clutch problems.......
>        My clutch seems to work fine on the first push, then
> nothing.......just
> floppy.
> Then it builds up enough preasure to drive, but wants to grind
> gear (bad boy)
> on occasion or takes double clutching........
>        Is this a simple bleeding problem ? The resevoir is always
> full.......

At the extreme risk of sounding like a broken record (or is it the "man with
a hammer" syndrome ?), I would suspect a broken spring in the MC.  When mine
had gotten to the point that I had to "pump up" the clutch at every stop
light, I finally pulled my MC apart, and found the spring in 4 pieces !

59 TR3A TS39781LO daily driver (currently sidelined for OD transplant)
63 Sports 6 HB7826LCV rustoration project
71 Stag LE1473L daily driver

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