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Good Work Enthusiasts on your S.B. 708 Victory!

Subject: Good Work Enthusiasts on your S.B. 708 Victory!
From: (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 12:58:13 -0700 id h3JK0ej1017511
Dear British Car Folks;

This just in from the people at Hagerty Insurance about that Senate Bill
that we have all been writing in about. I know that I seem to pester you
folks about this stuff from time to time, but this proves that our united
voice CAN be heard and does some good.


Rick Feibusch
The California British Car Meets
From: "Hagerty Insurance News" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 11:20:48 -0400


Congratulations everyone on your hard work and commitment to stopping
Senator Florez from pursuing his repeal in S.B. 708 of the current
emissions exemption for collector vehicles. Following is an article we
thought you would enjoy reading since it reports your tremendous
legislative efforts and victory. Keep up the good fight.

McKeel Hagerty
President, Hagerty Protection Network

By VIC POLLARD, Californian Sacramento Bureau

SACRAMENTO -- With Jay Leno and the rest of California's classic car buffs
on his case, State Sen. Dean Florez has dropped his proposal to require
smog checks for cars as old as 1958 models. Leno, "The Tonight Show" host
who has a large collection of vintage autos, personally called Florez's
office to lobby against the plan. The lawmaker was also inundated with
letters, e-mails and phone calls from many other members of the highly
organized hobby car community.

One of their tools was a cartoon depicting Florez in his state-leased SUV
chasing classic cars out of California. Florez was forced to back down on
the bill, one in a package of 10 bills aimed at cleaning up the air in the
Central Valley, before it even got its first legislative hearing.

The bill, SB 708, isn't dead, but it has been amended to crack down on cars
that emit visible smoke. Originally, it called for requiring regular smog
checks and repairs for cars up to 45 model years old. If in effect this
year, it would apply to cars made in 1958 or later. That would have
replaced the state's existing exemption for cars older than 30 model years,
which this year is 1973. "Given all the fights we have on all the other air
pollution bills," Florez said, "it wasn't going to help to push that one."

He said classic car fans made a convincing argument that most of the oldest
cars on the road, while they may be some of the worst polluters, aren't
usually driven to and from work daily. "We told the classic car folks that
we're going to continue to talk to them," Florez continued, "but that was
just too much of a detailed type of proposal."

Florez's legislative aide, Michael Rubio, said Leno called after reading a
newspaper article about the smog bills.  "He said he wanted to know what
the deal was with (SB) 708," Rubio said. "Several days later, he called
back and said, 'You've got me thinking now.' And I said 'Can I start at the

He said Leno listened carefully and discussed his thoughts on the smog
problem and the bill at some length, urging Florez to carefully distinguish
between older cars that are driven for basic transportation and those that
are merely exhibited most of the time.

Other problems, he said, are the difficulty of getting repair parts for
older cars and the fact that emission controls were not mandated on cars
until the late 1960s.  The same arguments were made by the classic car
community's chief lobbyist, Steve McDonald of the Special Equipment
Marketing Association, a trade group of manufacturers, retailers,
publishers and restorers. "Obviously we're thrilled that the senator has
agreed to modify the legislation and refocus the target on what we believe
is a more effective one, that being smoking vehicles," McDonald said.

So are hobbyists like Jan VanderPool of Bakersfield, who, with his fiancie,
owns three vintage Ford Mustangs."That's definitely a big relief to me," he
said.  VanderPool said it took years and a lot of effort to get the rolling
exemption from smog checks for cars that are more than 30 years old enacted
in 1997.

Florez and his staff appeared surprised, if not shellshocked, at the size
and aggressiveness of the lobbying campaign against the smog check
proposal. But it was no surprise to VanderPool, who has been through
similar drills before when legislation was proposed that helped or hurt car
hobbyists. "A lot of us have had to get pretty political," he said. "We've
had to get active and kind of watch our backs."

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