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RE: source for thick figure-8 gaskets?

To: francois wildi <>,
Subject: RE: source for thick figure-8 gaskets?
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:52:17 -0800
> Checking how much the liners protrude on my TR3B engine, I found that
> I am on the low side of the tolerance on most of the block. I was
> wondering if it is possible to purchase figure-8 gaskets with an
> extra 0.002-0.003" or if I will have to solder a copper wire on the
> head gasket like somebody I know ;-). I am also considering making a
> set of 2-3 thou figure-8 shims from shimstock but it will be
> tedious...

I'm certain Mordy Dunst can make them for you; but I've forgotten what he
told me the price would be.  All I remember is that the copper wire was
cheaper, and kept me from having to drop the pan again !


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