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squirrel damage

Subject: squirrel damage
From: Sam Gentry <>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 07:15:10 -0500
My son has his 72 spitfire stored in one of my garages until he gets a 
house with a garage.  Last winter some squirrels made a nest in it and did 
some damage to the interior.  I need to find some parts to do the 
repair.  All of this stuff is available, but since I only need parts of 
sets I would like to avoid buying complete sets.  Here is what I need, if 
anyone has any of this for sale, let me know:

seat foams for driver side back, driver side seat cover (back only, shadow 
blue), the carpet behind the seats (black), the panel that separates the 
cockpit from the fuel tank (shadow blue).

If anyone has any of this, maybe because the squirrels ate different part 
of your car, let me know.

Thanks, Sam

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