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How bad did I mess up

To: "Ronnie Babbitt" <>
Subject: How bad did I mess up
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 08:41:26 -0500
Cc: "Triumphs" <> id h2KDfr0K027817
Message text written by "Ronnie Babbitt"
>In my efforts to freshen up the motor on my new sports six, I removed
all external components. I taped some plastic around the head covering
the Valve assembly. I then began to sand blast the block preparing it
for paint. After painting the block I removed the taped plastic. I had
not considered that some of the sand had adhered to the tape and a few
grains fell on/into the head. I vacuumed up the few grains but I can not
be certain that any fell into the push-rod tubes. 

Any suggestion, I would like to keep from removing the head if at all
possible. But if I must I must..

I think a good, long, and penetent prayer session is in order.

I see a couple of options here.
1) Pull the engine apart.  If some sand found it's way down the pushrod
tubes they will find their way into the lifters.  Once there they can find
their way in between the lifter and the pushrod and close up the valve gap
resulting in a burnt valve.  Or worse yet, the grains can get in between
the lifter and the lifter bore in the block.  Once the grains find their
way into the sump they will be pretty innocuous and will likely drain out
with the next oil change.

2) Drive it anyway.  Maybe no more got in there.  Maybe what did get in
there will make their way to the sump with minimal damage.  Maybe the
engine will sieze and you can stuff in the TR6 motor you want anyway.

3) I guess the middle gound is to pull the head (and inspect it well), pull
the pushrods and lifters, and then pull the sump drain plug and pour
several quarts of light motor oil down the tubes with the intent of
flushing any sand grains into the sump and out the drain.

Oh, and 4) DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

Good luck


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