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Re: Rear brake springs - in or out?

To: "Darrell Walker" <>
Subject: Re: Rear brake springs - in or out?
From: "David Brister" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 11:51:21 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
References: <>
I have found the best way to put those rear brake shoes back on an TR4A is
to first decide exactly where they go, then fit the springs into their holes
and holding one shoe in each hand pull them apart and offer them to the
backing plate getting them over the bottom adjustment cam first and then
sort of snatching the tops into the grooves.

If you are a serious spinach eater you can probably do this without

Not a bad idea to wear leather gardening gloves for this.


David Brister.
1967 TR4A. (Just going for a drive on a beautiful 65F sunny day.)

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