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Re: Re: Another "new" GT6

To: "Steven W. Reilly" <>
Subject: Re: Re: Another "new" GT6
From: Dave Fain <>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 19:51:30 -0700 (GMT)
That's what I was thinking.  Thanks to all who responded.
Now I have to figure out which one to work on first, the 
GT6 or the Herald.  Decisions, decisions.

> Hey Dave,
I think that KD53420E would indicate an Early GT6+ engine

Steve Reilly
'70 GT6's

>Commission number KF21857, body 22110KF (close enough), and engine
>number is KD53420E.  The commission number is right for a 1973 US
>car, but the engine number doesn't look right to me.  A 1973 swing
>spring car should have had the low compression smogged engine.  Can
>anybody out there cross reference that engine number and tell me what
>it is out of?  I am guessing it's a GT6 Plus.  At least I hope it is.

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