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RE: Tach problem

To: "Bryan Lepley" <blepley@MSN.COM>, <>
Subject: RE: Tach problem
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 21:15:06 -0800
> Last fall I was having problems with my tach.  I tested it with
> an external
> tach and a drill hooked up to the cable and it was way off, reading too
> high.  Does anyone know why this is happening and/or where the
> tach can be repaired?

Typically, it means the bushing that carries the magnets is worn, and
letting the magnets get too close to the cup.  There have also been reports
of the inner cable being too long, and applying pressure to the mechanism.

Mo-Ma and N. Hollywood Speedometer are two good place to have it repaired;
but t'aint cheap.  Probably $100 + S&H, at least.  But I've heard they come
back looking and working like new.
1321 2nd St NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 766-6661

For some reason, I don't have N.Hollywood's info handy, but I'm sure you can
find it in the Monster List

You may be able to solve the problem yourself, check out

It's written for speedos, but the tach is just like the speedo, without the
odometer and tripmeter.


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