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Re: TR-3 Rear Shocks

To: "Randall Young" <>, <>
Subject: Re: TR-3 Rear Shocks
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 16:01:59 -0800
References: <>
> It can be done, if you're lucky.  The pin through the front spring eye and
> frame is theoretically removable, and the head is tapped for a puller.  I
> was able to get mine out using some homemade threaded rod (ran a die up a
> grade 3 bolt), which had to be replaced twice to get two pins out.  But if
> had to do it again, I'd find some way to use a socket head cap screw
> is stronger than grade 8) and larger threads to apply the force.
> Ken Gillanders once told me that when the dealership mechanics had to
> that pin, they drilled a hole through the bodywork and used a punch from
> outside to drive the pin out.  Then just stuck a chrome plug in the hole.

I guess we weren't lucky with a club member's TR3A at a recent club
sponsored Tune 'n Tech.  We used bolts, broke them off, welded nuts on,
wouldn't budge.  Finally, the group gave up and told him to loosen the body
and lift it up enough so he could slide the springs off the pins without
removing them.  Do you think this will work? Or is there another way we
didn't think of yet?


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