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Re: White Paint for early TR4 dash

Subject: Re: White Paint for early TR4 dash
From: Nicholas Froome <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 19:44:21 +0000
Cc: Scott Tilton <>
References: <3DE053C6B65BD311890C00600892FCC537D88E@PPISBSSERVER>
>Anyone have any helpful advice for painting an early TR-4 dashboard white?
>I'm not sure if it is something I want to tackle myself. 
>I'm historically not a good painter.
>Is this something that is going to be ridiculously expensive at a body shop
>because they would have to buy too much of the correct paint?

The original dash finish - correct me if I'm wrong - has a crackle effect. The 
dash is also in two parts and the gauges need to be disconnected to remove 
them. And the main dash panel is a swine to remove, so...

As my dash had the centre section missing (the car had a nasty wooden dash 
retrofitted), I've started making up an ally panel to go over the whole lot 
which will let me lose the ashtray and allow more scope to modify for racing

Making up the dash is a big job - and I just bought a centre panel off eBay for 
$11 - so I may revert to painting the original

So, to come back to Scott's question, how do you paint it and keep the crackle 

I believe most powder-coating specialists will do crackle finishes but they're 
quite tricky to do successfully - particularly on a large, two-piece panel

My original plan was to finish it in gloss body colour. Not original - bu what 
the hell...

Nick Froome

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