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Let's just send our cars directly to the crusher!!!!!

Subject: Let's just send our cars directly to the crusher!!!!!
From: (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 08:51:12 -0800
Dear California Listers.

It seems that every few years some bonehead elected official wants to fish
for enviromental brownie points by making our cars harder to practically
own. This just in from my friend Byron Brill who owns a Riley RM roadster
and a few Austins as well as the coolist of DKWs. Check it out and PLEASE
do something.THANK YOU.

Rick Feibusch
Venice, CA

----- Original Message -----
From: Byron Brill
To: DKW Club
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: Our cars are in danger

Hi folks,

Once again, and despite past successful hobbyist efforts, Sacramento is
once again after your collector car.  A new California State Senate bill
has just been introduced which will require biennial smog tests for cars up
to 44 years old beginning January 1, 2005.  That means that your 1961 or
newer Fiat, Morris, Simca, DKW or Saab, (no, there is no exemption for two
stroke automobiles!) will need to pass a smog test if this law is enacted.
Some say this would also require the retrofit of EGR systems to these cars
that were never designed to have one in the first place and to which it may
be impossible to fit such a system.

This bill comes to you courtesy of State Senator Dean Florez, Democrat from
Shafter (Fresno/Bakersfield area).  If you care to read the bill for
yourself, go to
html.  The automobile hobbyist community needs to come down very hard and
fast on this one to send a message to the California state government that
we are sick and tired of their repeated efforts to scapegoat the collector
car hobby and the damage they are trying to wreak on hobbyists and the
multibillion dollar industry that supports us.  I strongly urge you to pass
this message along to any friends and to any car clubs or groups with which
you may be affiliated.  Please contact your own State Senator, and Senator
Florez if you like, and demand they defeat this poorly conceived and
counterproductive legislation.  The link and phone number below will tell
you how to contact your State Senator.  What follows below is the text of a
notification that was provided by the National Motorists Association and
SEMA along with some points you may wish to make in your correspondence
with your Senator.  Thanks for your help and your interest.

Byron Brill

Senate Bill 708 repeals the current pro-hobbyist exemption for vehicles 30
years and older and replaces it with an exemption for vehicles that are 45
or more model years old commencing January 1, 2005.

We urge you to contact your State Senators to oppose SB 708.

** Existing law in California exempts all pre-1974 vehicles from emissions
testing until 2003. After 2003, vehicles 30-years old and older are exempt
from emissions testing.

** California's current emissions testing exemption recognizes the minimal
impact of vehicles 30-years old and older on vehicle emissions and air

** Vehicles 30-years old and older constitute a small portion of the
overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for
emissions reduction.

** Antique and classic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and
infrequently driven (about one-third the miles each year as a new vehicle).

** Legislators and regulators are feeling the heat from a failed effort to
meet air quality goals and are looking for a convenient scapegoat. The old
car hobby should not carry the burden of their mistakes!

Please take the time to contact your State Senator on this issue.

To find out who your state senators are, you can visit or contact the
California Senate general information line at 916/445-4311.

If you have any questions about this issue, please contact the California
Activist Jim Thomas, (Home/work 415/924-2184) or

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