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Re: lightened flywheels etc...

Subject: Re: lightened flywheels etc...
From: francois wildi <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 19:38:29 -0800 (PST)
> Curiously enough, his solution was to add weight to the crank, to 
> move the resonance up above the speed they were trying to turn 
> (which was not revealed).

Well, well... if you add weight on the flywheel, the resonance
frequency of the crank-flywheel assembly is going to be lower not
higher. This might be a solution if the engine is capable of crossing
the resonance freq. quickly enough not to accumulate energy in the
resonance, but I suspect it's bloody dangerous to have forbidden
zones in the tachometer below the redline.
On the other hand, if we are talking about a resonance in the
flywheel itself (which I would suspect by knocking on one, must be
several 100's of Hertz i.e. several 6000 rpm!), then beefing up the
structure of the flywheel itself might improve things and cost some
additional weight.

But maybe I misunderstood ?

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