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Gear reduction starter on TR3

Subject: Gear reduction starter on TR3
From: richard triplett <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:27:11 -0800 (PST)
I'm finally getting around to firing up the engine on
my 59 TR3 and am trying to get the new starter to spin
the flywheel. First off, I need some electric
clarification (the starter came with no instructions).
This is the way I did it (- ground car): Ground the
case, apply voltage to large (1/2" socket) nut on case
and the voltage signal is sent to spade terminal. I
get the starter to engage and spin off the engine this
way. Anything else? There's another small screw
terminal and I have no idea what goes to it. Now that
I've said all that, I'm sure everyone else's starter
has different hook-ups. 

Anyway, I mount starter the only way it seems it can
go (this is the way it came from TRF... I know you can
rotate starter by removing the allen head screws and
rotating body... should I do this?) and tighten it
firmly to engine housing. Hook up electic, using
remote starter switch, and press the botton. I get
maybe half a rotation, then nothing. Attempt to turn
engine by hand (which I can normally do quite easily,
since plugs are out) and it appears the starter is
bound up. Subsequent pressing of the switch produces a
click and heavy load, but no action.

So I could be messed up anywhere. Electric, starter
set-up, mounting, etc. Help!


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