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Re: Home for old computer parts?

To: Rick Barnard <>
Subject: Re: Home for old computer parts?
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:07:51 -0700
Cc: Triumph <>
References: <3E2DC569.28811.151316F@localhost>
User-agent: Opera M2 7.0 build 2345
>       In my town, you can dispose of old TVs once a year on hazardous waste 
> collection day.  And, it costs you $5 each.

Since I'm moving, I put my broken TV on the front porch a few days before 
today's trash pickup. It was gone yesterday. I assume friendly 
 took it to be recycled, but then a large, free TV the
week before the Super Bowl might be attractive to other parties as well.

They'll be disappointed to find that once the TV heats up, probably before 
the end of the first quarter on Sunday, the party is over.

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO

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